It is common knowledge that online auctions have proven to be a great way to save money on a used vehicle. As online auto auctions continue to become more popular, they are also becoming more specified and specific. Instead of every auction being a random smattering of different vehicles, the listings are much more specific as they are broken down into groups. This is great news for truck buyers.
Truck Auctions Offer Maximum Selection
The first benefit of online truck auctions is every unit is a truck. A greater selection of trucks creates a variety of benefits for buyers. The most notable benefit is you have a much greater chance of finding exactly what you want at a price you can afford. At a traditional used vehicle auction you will only see a handful of trucks so the bidding for each one will be fierce and the prices will inevitably be driven higher than they need to be. At a truck auction this isn’t the case.
Better Selection = More Dodge Pickups
Better selection not only means more trucks to choose from, but more trucks from each manufacturer. With the general popularity of Dodge competitors like Chevy and Ford it can be difficult to find more than one or two Dodge pickup trucks at a regular auto auction. This is never a problem at online truck auctions. The massive selection nearly guarantees a significant number of Dodge trucks to choose from.
Online Truck Auctions Save Time
Another benefit of truck auctions is they save bidders time. You don’t have to wait hours as cars and SUVs get auctioned off. Auctioneers know truck buyers will get impatient so they purposely separate all of the trucks over a long period of time. By the end of the auction, truck buyers are so impatient they end up overspending. At a truck auction this situation is an impossibility because only trucks are made available. This results in a significant time savings over the course of an auction.
2006 Dodge Ram 3500
This 2006 Dodge Ram 3500 was one of the best buys of a recent online auction. It was a crew cab with minor dents and scratches on the side panel. It boasted a 5.9L V 6 diesel engine. This 4×4 truck had only 65,400 miles on it. As a result, the estimated secondary market value was close to $38,000. The winning bidder paid only $20,000 for it. Considering the mileage and engine lifespan, this will prove to be an excellent long-term investment from a reliability standpoint.
2008 Dodge Ram 3500
Don’t overlook former fleet trucks just because they have higher mileage. Fleet trucks are often better maintained than their consumer-owned counterparts. This 2008 Dodge Ram 3500 had 358,575 miles which is quite a high number. However there was only normal wear and tear on the interior and exterior which indicates it was well cared for. Plus, this white crew cab 4×4 had a reliable diesel engine. A savvy bidder was able to bring it home for only $9,000.
2005 Dodge Ram 5100
The final example of how you can save on Dodge pickups at online truck auctions is this 2005 Dodge Ram 5100. This massive truck had minor dents along the exterior which isn’t surprising since it was definitely a work truck. It had 241,000 miles on it but this black crew cab featured a 4.7L V8 engine. The winning bidder was able to bring it home for only $3,000, although it was a rear wheel drive truck.